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These images below give you an idea of how my works might look on your walls and in your spaces. Enjoy

A Gorgeous Spray Paint Art Piece that almost feels like an aquarium right on your wall. A favorite theme of mine with those rattle cans, underwater corals and the endless colors of blue are what inspired me to make this piece. The glowing jellyfish and schools of swimming fish really bring the scene together. The Original is on a 22×28″ poster-board made with various spray paints. Fabulous for PRINTS where you can mat and frame how you’d like to fit almost any room! c2018

A Beauty of a pastel work this larger 16×20″ allowed me to really stretch my pastel ability to capture the color change nuances in the sky and reflection. About 30 hours of work went into this creation, starting from the acrylic underpainting on mixed media paper in complimentary colors and a few small bits of local color. The work was then coated in a clear liquid gesso with pumice grit to prepare the surface for pastel adhesion. Then about 3 complete phases of adding pastels to the entire work to adjust things just so. I was and still am really proud of this piece. The exploration into larger format pastel work really lends itself to adding in a lot more welcomed detail with these pastels. Prints of this artwork look good on in a variety of settings and frame setups. You really have to see this original or the prints in person to enjoy the full experience. These images on here are a low pixel format. The prints are full high quality! Same deal as all works presented here 🙂 c2020

A stunning oil painting done on a 16×20″ canvas of the rolling waves coming in under the nights sky. The water just really glows on this one in the foreground giving you that magic feeling of walking along a beach shoreline in the water under a moonlit sky! The palms are basking in the moons warmth, while the waves shimmer with any touch of light that may reach them. Prints available. c2019

A departure from the landscape themes that dominate my works, this was a very fun adventure. I created this piece for a pastel group challenge theme of “reflection”. The obvious choice was reflections in water or mirrors but I dove deep into the idea and came up with this painting. A lady’s eye reflecting her looking back at the city as she leaves! A very fitting current trend as many people are migrating away from the cities in this present day world. While working on this in painting, as usual, I get up and walk away or walk around and come back to start again with fresh eyes. Well I knew I was  getting there with the progress, when I started to feel like I was being watched in the room everywhere I went. Seriously, kidding aside, it was a strange feeling. That’s when I knew that I had succeeded with with my intentions in this piece. Enjoy. Prints of this are great conversation pieces for your rooms or spaces! If you are wanting any especially larger sized prints like pictured here, just email with requests and I can arrange with a printing company to fill your needs! Same goes with any pieces that you may want a larger print of. c2020

The best time to enjoy the beach…after dinner, walking off your evening meal, by yourself…one with the sea. The moments and colors and your minds snapshots of the day all fade away into a deep grey haze transitioning towards twilights time to shine the nights sky with it’s wonders. Hard and soft pastels layered on an 8×10″ grey canvas. The sky is getting really dark and its time to wrap up the beach day with one last look over the dunes as you head back for the evenings activities. Prints of this look great, and have that authentic painting feel to it with the canvas texture being captured just so.  c2019

A stunning sea of greens sets the scene here with this oil painting done on a 16×20″ canvas. Created on a black canvas, the colors have a chance to really pop and set the green glow to the swampy scene. Watch out for gators! Prints are available in many sizes up to 13×19″. c2019

Fall is the time for colors in the Wetlands. The usual earthy browns and greens give way to the blossoming color changes of Autumn. Oranges and yellows take hold as the trees begin to transition into the hibernation of Winter. Hard and soft pastels on 8×10″ canson mixed-media paper coated in a blue liquitex gesso. Finalized with sennelier and blick fixative. All Materials are Archival and acid-free. Prints of this really lively up the room! c2019

Coming up to Ma's House

A play on words, this pastel painting evokes the serenity of the majestic mountainsides we have here in America. Almost done entirely with purple pastels, the varying values of purple are expressed from the almost white-ish snow caps and rock highlights through to the dark purple pines and show of the foreground rocks. Hard and soft pastels on 5×7″ Strathmore 400 mixed-media paper coated in liquitex black gesso. Sent in a glassine acid free bag, All materials used are Archival and acid-free

The path leads us…but to where you might ask? The woods are usually a dark and ominous place, but this time of year the vibrant fall colors invite us in. A bright clearing seems to be ahead just as the path makes its disappearing turn into the unknown.  This piece is done with oil pastels on canson mixed-media paper coated with liquitex clear gesso. Several light layers of sennelier oil pastel fixative to finish the piece off and avoid smudging before framing. The materials are archival and acid-free. Prints of this really make a statement in a room!

It’s been so long since I’ve made it to a nice evening at the beach, I just had to create this painting. I’m often in my studio cooped up at my easel with the same old atmosphere. Painting scenes that I dream to visit, like this beach, really inspire me to get into the scenes mood and let my mind, emotion, and the medium speak out. I love painting sunsets, and this was no exception. 

I I entered this painting into my first ever art contest for the beginner pastel themed challenge “The Sea” hosted by the ‘Monet Cafe’. To my delight I wont first place and was awarded with a plethora of praises and encouragement from the members and admins. 

Hard and soft pastels on 12x12x3/4″ Birchwood Panel coated with liquitex clear gesso. Finished with sennelier fixative. All materials are Archival and acid-free. Ready to hang as is. Prints of this are very popular at the moment including: 5×5″, 8×8″, 10×10″, and 12×12″.